Course Description

Are you ready to LOVE your Social Media?

Then this challenge is for you!
Starting Now for 14 days or at your own pace, you will explore different tasks that will enhance your social media and make you love it again!

Get ready to have fun, make connections and enhance your engagement as you let the world know about you and your brand. Remember someone is waiting on you and your gifts so time to let them know that you are here!

Ready, Set, Go! 

Finch and Associates LLC

Dr. Aikyna Finch

Dr. Finch is a Certified Coach, Podcaster, Speaker and Social Media Consultant. She is a Forbes Coaches Council Member. She coaches in the areas of Empowerment, Life and Social Media. She is the co-host of the Motivate Social Podcast. She is a speaker on the topics of Motivation, Education and Social Media. She is an avid Live Streamer on these topics. She is also the Founder of the Scope Mastermind group on Facebook. She also coaches and trains on social media for individuals and groups. She can be found at DrADFinch on all Social Media Platforms.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Welcome to the Social Media Love Challenge!

    • Introducing the Social Media Love Challenge - Join the Facebook Group Here

    • Pre Launch Introduction and Information

    • Pre Launch Introduction and Information 2

    • Introduction Questions

  • 2

    Day 1

    • Day 1 - Assignment - I AM and How Can I Help?

    • Day 1 - Video Lesson - I AM and How Can I Help?

    • Turn in Day 1 Assignment

  • 3

    Day 2

    • Day 2 - Assignment - Make a post checking the interest level of a product or service

    • Day 2 - Video Lesson - Make a post checking the interest level of a product or service

    • Turn in Day 2 Assignment

  • 4

    Day 3

    • Day 3 - Assignment - Do a Facebook Live or Audio Live to thank the audience for their interest

    • Day 3 - Video Lesson - Do a Facebook Live or Audio Live to thank the audience for their interest

    • Arkon Mount Information from Lesson 3

    • Turn in Day 3 Assignment

  • 5

    Day 4

    • Day 4 - Assignment - Post something creative that brands you or your business

    • Day 4 - Video Lesson - Post something creative that brands you or your business

    • Turn in Day 4 Assignement

  • 6

    Day 5

    • Day 5 - Assignment - Setup a Facebook Page or Group

    • Day 5 - Video Lesson - Setup a Facebook Page or Group

    • Turn in Day 5 Assignment

  • 7

    Day 6

    • Day 6 - Assignment - Setup a Instagram Page

    • Day 6 - Video Lesson - Setup a Instagram Page

    • Turn in Day 6 Assignment

  • 8

    Day 7

    • Day 7 - Assignment - Setup a LinkedIn Page

    • Day 7 - Video Lesson - Setup a LinkedIn Page

    • Turn in Day 7 Assignment

  • 9

    Day 8

    • Day 8 - Assignment - Setup a Twitter Page

    • Day 8 - Video Lesson - Setup a Twitter Page

    • Turn in Day 8 Assignment

  • 10

    Day 9

    • Day 9 - Assignment - Setup a Livestream Page

    • Day 9 - Video Lesson - Setup a Livestream Page

    • Turn in Day 9 Assignment

  • 11

    Day 10

    • Day 10 - Assignment - Do a post to engage on the Social Media Platform you want to grow the most

    • Day 10 - Video Lesson - Do a post to engage on the Social Media Platform you want to grow the most

    • Turn in Day 10 Assignment

  • 12

    Day 11

    • Day 11 - Assignment - Post something creative that promotes a product or service you offer

    • Day 11 - Video Lesson - Post something creative that promotes a product or service you offer

    • Turn in Day 11 Assignment

  • 13

    Day 12

    • Day 12 - Assignment - Setup a YouTube account

    • Day 12 - Video Lesson - Setup a YouTube account

    • Turn in Day 12 Assignment

  • 14

    Day 13

    • Day 13 - Assignment - Do a post using your favorite platform to connect with your audience

    • Day 13 - Video Lesson - and Facebook Creative App

    • Turn in Day 13 Assignment

  • 15

    Day 14

    • Day 14 - Assignment - Conclusion

    • Day 14 - Lesson 1

    • Day 14 - Video Lesson 2 - ManyChat, Website and IFTTT

    • Turn in Day 14 Assignment

  • 16

    Extra Resources

    • Bonus Lesson 1

    • Bonus Lesson 2

    • Bonus Lesson 3

    • Bonus Lesson 4

    • Bonus Lesson 5

    • Bonus Lesson 6

    • Benefits of Hosting and Participating in a Challenge

    • Class Completion Survey